14 months old

Monday, April 2, 2012 |

Dear Taylor,

Your 14 months old now, and so much has changed...

You love to fake laugh,
your very ticklish,
you'd rather be outside playing with scooters, motorcycles, and running away from us then being stuck indoors,
you would rather ride your brothers ATV then your own...such a daredevil,
you love to be held and you think your Papa is your personal chariot,
you know how to wave and say "hi" and "bye"(with a Texan accent),
you like to fake talk on the phone,
you adore your brother eventhough he has problems sharing his toys,
you know how to point your finger and say "no, no, no, no",
you love strangers and people watching and are always ready with a big smile on request,
you love milk more then food,
you would rather steal food from someone elses plate then eat from your own,
you know how to draw,
you can't sit still in one spot for more then 30 seconds,
you follow Mama around the house all day long,
you haven't quite mastered how to blow a kiss but know how to hold your hand up to your mouth and make a kissing sound,
you know how to open your mouth on demand to show us your new teeth,
you don't know what a crib is (ughhh),
you do not like to sleep and miss anything exciting!

You are just so smart and funny, I love you so much.
Love, Mama


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