The Night Before...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012 | | 0 comments

What a great book, in fact, we even have 2 copies.  But for some reason I cannot get myself to open it up tonight.

Tomorrow is Kyle's first day of Kindergarten.  I'm excited, scared, overwhelmed, and he is perfectly fine.  He keeps telling me "I'm not going to cry Mama."  Just looking at the cover of this book makes me want to burst into tears, which is why I will be wearing the biggest pair of sunglasses known to man at drop-off.

When he started preschool 2 years ago he hardly spoke, now he won't stop, so it is exciting to see how much he will flourish in a new school.  My old school in fact...St. Gregory's. 

You are so tall now, finally filling out, we've had a wonderful summer hanging out every day.  We've been to Disneyland, Lake Tahoe, paddle boating, jet skiing, beaches, zoo's, and my favorite place, hanging out in the backyard with our water toys and popsicles.

We've shared a million laughs, some tears, and have had some new adventures such as learning to ride a glider bike, a motorcycle, swim school, and discovering Legos.  Wishing you the best year ever, Taylor and I will miss having you at home every second of the day.  Love, Mama

Last Day of Summer 2012

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